Thursday, 31 May 2012

Summer Time!

In June we start our longer opening hours of 9 till 7pm every day and Bank Holiday Monday and Diamond Jubilee Tuesday we will be open from 10-4pm. Our Strawberries will be ready in about a week and our Gooseberries will be ready about the same time- not in time for the Jubilee unfortunately due to the cold weather back in April.
 But our Asparagus is growing well and is absolutely delicious so make the most of the short season and enjoy it whilst you can! Our last cut is lat June so we still have a lovely month of Asparagus to go!
We have lots of delicious cakes and desserts for your Jubilee Parties as well as local charcoal or barbecues and cottage garden plants to cheer up your gardens.
come up and see us soon!
Alison xx

Wednesday, 9 May 2012

Asparagus here at last!

Now we have hopefully got through the worst of the cold weather, our Asparagus is growing well and we now have bundles (£2.90 / 454g) and  kitchen grade baskets (£4.75 / 1.36kg) availaable in the Farm Shop.
However, because of the heavy rain the asparagus needs very careful washing and you may even wish to peel it to get rid of the sand that is washed up from the soil onto the stems and under the scales on the stems.
Out in the fields we have PYO Rhubarb doing very well with the recent rain! Our other crops seem to be doing well despite the weather aand we are hoping to start our Strawberry harvest at the end of May.
 If you haven't found him yet- do come up and visit Andy Johnson's Fish Van in our Farm Shop car park from 11 till 4pm Wednesdays and Saturdays 11 till 2pm- fantastic local fish!
  At the bottom of our car park you may have noticed that building work for our new Tea Room is now well under way and we are hoping it will be open by August for light lunches and teas... offering you a welcome rest from all that fruit- picking!
 We are now open from 9am till 5:30 every day and from 9am till 7pm from 1st June so come up and see us soon!
Durleighmarsh Farm