Saturday, 21 July 2012

Blueberries... and masses of really big berries!

We now have PYO Blueberries at £5.95/kg and there are lots of really tasty big berries.. they obviously thrive in the rain!
 We also have Raspberries, Strawberries, Currants, Loganberries ,Tayberries as well as Carrots, Calabrese, Courgettes , Broad Beans  and Marrows!
  During the Hampshire Food Festival 1st-31st July, if you pick £10 worth of fruit or vegetables you can get a free Meadow Cottage ice-cream- so pick -your- own and treat yourself! We now also stock lovely Mooka Gelato in small and large tubs- just right for a summer party!
 We  are open every day 9am-7pm  so come up and see us soon!
 Happy Picking!

Monday, 16 July 2012

Masses of Raspberries Loganberries and Black Currants!

We now have masses of Raspberries, Loganberries and Black Currants as well as some Red Currants. Blueberries will be starting later this week.... just need a bit of sunshine! We also have Rhubarb, Broad Beans, Carrots, Spinach, Courgettes and Calabrese... and Lettuce and Cabbages! So there is LOTS to pick down on the Farm and we also have ready-picked fruit and vegetables available in the Farm Shop.
 After a very successful tasting day on Sunday we now stock a lovely range of the South Devon Chilli Farm's produce- including Chilli Chutney, Apple and Chilli Jelly, Hot Habenero Sauce, Chilli Growing kits and lots more!
  We are open from 9am-7pm every day.... and if it's a wet day we have wellies and coats to lend you if you come unprepared for the Great British Summer!
 Happy Picking - come up and see us soon!

Thursday, 12 July 2012

Dessert Gooseberries

We have now started picking our Dessert Gooseberies (£4.95/kg) but come up soon as they are very popular and won't last long. Our cooking Gooseberries have just about finished now.
Despite the rain we have lots of lovely crops for picking- we still have Strawberries £3.98/kg), lots of lovely Raspberries (£5.95/kg), Rhubarb (£2.20/kg) as well as Black and  Red Currants  (£3.65/kg). Loganberries Tayberries and Sunberries (all at £5.50/kg).
   In the vegetable line we have lovely tender Broad Beans (£1.98/kg?, Carrots (£1.10/kg) and Courgettes at £1.50/kg.
   We are open every day from 9am-7pm and we can even lend you wellies and coats if you come un-prepared for the rain. We kitted out an intrepid family yesterday with cotas , boots and even bags to fit over shoes... so no excuses about the weather!!!! See photo!
 It won't be long until the Blueberries are ripe.. and Blackberries are nearly there as well!
Happy Picking!

Wednesday, 4 July 2012

Strawberries Raspberries Currants Gooseberries Loganberries and Tayberries!

Well- it really is the season for delicious soft fruits and we have lots ready for picking! There are masses of Strawberries, Red and Black Currants are just starting as are Raspberries, Loganberries and Tayberries.The Gooseberries are doing well but do have a short season so don't leave it too long to come up and pick them. The new crop Broad Beans are delicious and tender and  we have also just started picking Courgettes.... and Carrots will be ready very soon.
And we have lots of delicious recipes for you to take away and try at home.
 During the Hampshire Food Festival (July) we are offering a free Meadow Cottage ice- cream to everyone who spends over £10 on Pick-Your-Own... so come up and Pick-Your-Own and treat yourself!
Happy Picking!
P.S. Don't forget to visit Andy Johnson's Fish Stall in our Farm Shop Car Park Wednesdays 11-4pm and Saturdays 11 till 2pm for the most delicious local fresh fish!