Thursday, 28 May 2015

Pick-Your-Own Strawberries Ready Now!

Hurrah! It's Strawberry season again......just in time for the end of the half term holiday! Our first delicious Strawberries are ready for picking at £4.69/kg so come up and enjoy the first taste of Summer! Our Gooseberries and Broad Beans will be ready this space!
 We still have our lovely Asparagus in the Farm Shop as well as Rhubarb, Chard and lots of lovely local produce.
  Our opening hours are 9-5:30 and from Monday 1st June we are open every day from 9am-7pm.
Do come and visit the Tea Barn..a real treat after a busy afternoon's picking
And don't forget Andy Johnson's Fish Stall is in our Farm Shop car park on Wednesdays and Saturdays from 11-pm with delicious local fresh fish.

Friday, 22 May 2015

Asparagus....and Strawberries very soon!

We are now into full swing with our lovely Asparagus ! We will also be starting our delicious Strawberry season in the next week or watch this space!
Over the Bank Holiday we are open every day from 9am-5:30 pm so come up and see us for our own Asparagus Rhubarb and Chard as well as Cottage Garden Plants and Herbs.
We also have a wonderful range of local food including Jakes Pork Pies, Rother Valley Organic Meat, Farmhouse Cookery Cakes and delicious Ready Meals, Soups and Quiches from Alexandra's Kitchen.
See you soon!
Best wishes