Saturday, 27 May 2017

Bank Holiday Weekend Update

Apologies if you have been trying to call us today..our phone line was brought down in the storm last night and it has taken all day to restore it!
  We still do not have a working credit card machine as the power surge due to lightning strike has damaged the machine and we will not receive  a new machine until Wednesday! So it is cash only until then,,apologies!
   We still have our delicious Asparagus in the Farm Shop and currently have graded bundles and kitchen baskets...however we cannot guarantee we will have baskets at all times so do ring us to check and we will update you!
   In the PYO we have a fantastic crop of Broad Beans at £2.60/kg and our Strawberries will be ready later this week.
  We are open every day over the Bank Holiday weekend from 9 am -5:30 pm and from Thursday 1st June we are open every day from 9 am-7 pm.
 Happy Picking!

Saturday, 20 May 2017

Pick Your Own Broad Beans!

We have now started our PYO Broad Beans at £2.60 kg...really tender and sweet. We still have Asparagus and Rhubarb in the Farm Shop and we are open every day from 9 am-5:30 pm.
Not long until Strawberries and Gooseberries are this space!
Happy Picking!
Best wishes 